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By the same token, you can remove any of these tools from your ePortfolio by using the Utilities > Options feature in the My Portfolio menu. Epsilen recognizes that you probably will not want all potential visitors to your ePortfolio—students, other teachers, other Epsilen members—to have access to all parts of your ePortfolio. • Therefore, built in to each of the features marked with an asterisk (*) in the above list are access keys which give you the power to limit who can see the information included in the feature. • For example, you might allow fellow teachers to read your blog posts, which could deal with things like classroom-management techniques, but be less inclined to give students the same access. In addition, you can customize the look of your ePortfolio (change background and border colors, configure your ePortfolio menu) with tools called themes and options . Important : To see the current state of your ePortfolio, select My ePortfolio > Preview ePortfolio from the left menu. (The symbol “>”means “then click on.”)

One of the best ways to get an idea of ePortfolio possibilities is to browse sample portfolios made public by their owners. • On the My Portal page, click the tab labeled ePortfolio Examples ( under My Network Channel). • You will see a gallery of Epsilen members whose ePortfolios are public and available for you to view. One ePortfolio to view is that of Ali Jafari, the developer of Epsilen. • Click on Jafari’s name or photo, and awindowcalled Ali Jafari’sCorner pops up. • To see his ePortfolio, click the third icon to the right of his name and photo (the icon looks like a sheet of paper with an e on it).

Getting Started in Project Share: A Guide for Texas Educators ©2011 Texas Education Agency/University of Texas System

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